
First things first

April 29, 2009

What on earth does ‘Pulsecode’ mean? Is it really just some dated piece of 1980’s cyberpunk pseudo-slang?

Well, no. It’s a far older technical term than that, although I’ll admit it did come into much more prominence in the 80s. Pulsecode Modulation or PCM is the method by which audio signals are recorded as digital signals, in as much detail as possible, without resorting to compression techniques, even where they would be truly lossless. If you’ve ever messed around with digitised audio, terms like .WAV or .AIFF might be familiar – both of these are examples of PCM.

Right, that dry technical bit out of the way, I’ll admit I do kind of like the 80s cyberpunk ring that it has… it’s obscure enough a term that I can usually get away with using it as a fairly unique handle, and cool enough sounding that I want to get away with it.

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